Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Giant Sombreros

We went to the beach recently. And of course that gave me a couple of Goofy Ideas. This is the first.

I noticed the lifeguard getting on people because their umbrellas were closer to the water than the guard tower, and I'm guessing they don't want you to do that because then it's hard for them to see what's going on in the water, if someone's in trouble or whatever. Of course, I can respect that.

However, what if you want to play with your little one down by the water, but keep them out of the sun?

So I thought - what if you had a really big hat - I mean a really big one. Like a giant sombrero, that could expand out to like 3 feet in radius, lol. Assuming you were sitting, it wouldn't block the lifeguard's view, and you could provide plenty of shade.

Then you have to wonder - would the lifeguards start getting on people for having too big of hats? What would the allowable size limit be? Maybe it's only a problem if you're standing up? Could the hat expand and contract according to proximity to the ground?