Saturday, April 25, 2009


Ok, so shaving is one of those things that just takes up too much time. I don't really like electric razors - they rub my skin raw. I just use a razor in the shower - a Mach 5,732 (or whatever the latest number is).

Here's what I want - some sort of mold that fits to your particular face. The maybe a series of miniature lasers come out and zap! Smooth shave in under 5 seconds.

Of course, the downside is if they aren't calibrated right, you may have just prepped yourself for plastic surgery...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A more comfortable bicycle

Ok, so I have a bad back. Bending over on my bicycle gets uncomfortable. One has to ask, why should such a fun activity cause me discomfort?

I wish I could push a button and my handlebars would extend up somehow so I could sit almost upright. Then when I want to go fast, push another button and they go back to racing position.

And here's a crazy idea - someone invent a comfortable seat. I'm trying the 'latest thing' out on my old bike now, we'll see if it's any good or not when I get it back from the bike shop.

Friday, April 17, 2009

First Goofy Idea

Ok, so I'm never going to do anything to make money on my ideas... so I figured, why not share them. If somebody wants to run with any of my ideas, feel free! And if someone wants to share an interesting idea of their own here (product related), feel free as well.

So first attempt here...

I had an idea for a chair built into your pants. So, you're like out at the mall, and your wife / signficant other is taking a long time shopping in the same area. And you're getting tired.

Why not just sit down, so you can wait patiently? No chair handy?

Well what if pants had a chair built right into them. I don't know how the mechanism might work - pieces of metal that join together and stiffen at the joints to form a chair? Inflatables built into the lining?

Anyway, you push the button or whatever and whamo! Your pants are now a chair, and you're resting comfortably. When you need to move again, you press the button and shazaam! - you have regular pants again.

Goofy, I know.